Saturday, 18 February 2017

Photoshoot 3: Work Record -

Work Record - 


⧫ I will capture images using a polaroid camera (Fujifilm Instax Mini 8)
⧫ I will capture images using a disposable camera (Vintage Single Use Camera 27 Exposure)
⧫ I will collate relevant social media
⧫ I will collect relevant momentos
⧫ I will compose all items and images on an A3 sheet

Hope to Achieve:

What I hope to achieve for shoot 3 is to document an aspect of my life that is important in my documentation of self. This shoot will be composed physically as if a scrapbook page, which has been a hobby of mine for many years, and will combine photographs in various mediums, momentos and social media.

Shoot 3 will depict my friends and also youth subculture which are significant aspects of my lifestyle as a teenager in a modern society. I want to convey a juxtaposition in respect of displaying aspects of modern youth life but completing it through older mediums such as disposable film cameras and polaroids.

Actually Achieved:

I did achieve most of my hopes for this photoshoot in that the final compilation of images appeared as a fun scrapbook page with elements of interactivity in that some things featured in photographs are also able to be touched on the collage.

This collage did not use any digital photographs but instead creates the muted colour aesthetic often seen in old media cameras such as film. I decided against using a digital camera in this photoshoot as I wanted to draw upon the 90s youth aesthetic of films which have influenced me for many years. The modern aspects of the collage is through the use of social media such as a Spotify playlist which again makes a connection to my first photoshoot in that it references one of my favourite bands. Moreover, I was able to bring in small hints towards works of other inspiration such as Jamie Livingston; not only did I use polaroids which was Livingston's chosen medium but I also captured one photograph where the subject is a collection of other polaroids from the night like the image "03-30-1980".

However, looking back at this shoot now I believe that I could have further played with the theme of youth more so than solely depicting my friends. For instance, I could have exaggerated images and created a faux documentary style like David Shama by using real people and real relationships but adapting them to fir my ideas more so. For example, I could have played upon the darker ideas of youth opposed to only a few ideas of youth as fun and trouble. However, as this project revolves around self in my first five shoots it feel that personally it would be wrong to adapt the images. Also, the subjects in my photoshoots are everyday people who are in my life not as models for photography but as family and friends.


I will continue this idea until my fifth shoot by using multiple photographic mediums and continuing the collage idea as my exploration of self through various themes. My next shoot will also address friendships and youth but also study my education in respect of media and photography as I will photograph the images during a day of filming a music video.

The next shoot will utilise polaroid photography and digital photographs. The momentos might once again be harder to come by as the shoot is outdoors and is more of an experience than an event like in photoshoot 1.

Thus, the collage technique will continue into shoot four and shoot five but the aesthetic techniques may change. I am hoping that for shoot 4 I can create a more cohesive final piece through colourisation and other such connections.

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