Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Photoshoot 4: Work Record -

Work Record - 


⧫ I will capture images using a digital camera (Canon EOS 450D)
⧫ I will capture images using a polaroid camera (Fujifilm Instax Mini 8)
⧫ I will capture images using my phone camera
⧫ I will collate relevant social media
⧫ I will collect relevant momentos
⧫ I will compose all items and images on an A3 sheet

Hope to Achieve:

What I hope to achieve for shoot 4 is to document an aspect of my life that is important in my documentation of self. This shoot will be composed physically as if a scrapbook page, which has been a hobby of mine for many years, and will combine photographs in various mediums, momentos and social media.

Shoot 4 will exemplify my friendships but also a hobby of mine; all images captured will be during a day of filming a music video as media is a hobby of mine but also a course that I study. Thus the photographs depict my educational life, friendships and hobbies all in one connected image series resulting in a final A3 scrapbook page.

Actually Achieved:

I was able to achieve most of my hopes for this shoot in that I have depicted most of the themes that I had hoped to. I was using my DSLR camera and my fujifilm polaroid to convey youth in the modern and older respects of it. I also subverted my own expectations in my resourcefulness of finding relevant momentos to the shoot.

The final image is aesthetically pleasing in that I created an amateur aesthetic of layering and composite photography as a collage using a collection of photographs and items. The layout and composition was carefully considered. The use of various colours, both black and white and colour photographs, makes links to inspirational series' from artists such as David Shama.


I will carry on this idea until my fifth shoot by using continuing the use of multiple photographic mediums across the first shoots of my project focusing on connected images. The final shoot due to its location may again mean that large digital cameras could be too obtrusive and difficult to manage due to shooting on location. Therefore, I may adapt my idea and use only one type of medium such as polaroid to continue identity established with the earlier shoots.

Consequently, the photographic skills will be somewhat variant to those seen previously but the overall final aesthetic and appearance should be reminiscent and almost a pastiche of my pervious work.

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